In the municipality of Valandovo, one of the most developed industries is agriculture. The population is mainly engaged in the production of early horticultural and agricultural crops. Viticulture and fruit growing are widespread, especially with the cultivation of specific crops that are found only in this area, such as: pomegranate, fig and Japanese apple.
The company "Vizba" Valandovo operates successfully in the municipality, which processes semi-finished products and finished grape products. Within the "Vizba" Valandovo there is also a Winery, Refrigerator, Greenhouses Valandovo in which early vegetable products (cucumbers and tomatoes) are grown.
There are also fruit and vegetable canning plants.
Livestock is largely represented in rural areas as individual livestock, and there is a plant for production of milk and dairy products - Dairy "Vardarec" v. Udovo.
In the last decade in the municipality, the textile industry has gained the biggest momentum, according to the long system. There are 10 confectioneries in the municipality, which employs mostly women.